Friday, March 9, 2012

KONY 2012

Today, I'm going to share about JOSEPH KONY (KONY 2012).

I know it’s not make up related, but I’m really moved and touched after watching this video yesterday. I started to ask my friends, did they know about KONY 2012?? My first thought is they knew about it, because it’s all over internet, but I got the opposite answer, they don't know about it at all. This is why I begin wrote about KONY, I want to spread the words to all the people, to stop his act, his cruel act among children in Uganda.

Let me explain it briefly, about KONY, what is it about?

So KONY 2012 is a campaign to STOP the most wanted criminal in the world JOSEPH KONY. This man abducted children from their family in Uganda, he made the girls as sex slave and the boys as a children soldier, and he also forced them to kill their own parents. All of the kids live in FEAR, fear to be Killed, Which kids suppose to live a happy childhood not to be haunted by fear. Those kids don't get any education and even a home.

 No one knew about this at all, until this community "The Invisible Children" appear, and spread this news all over the world. We can stop this guy by making him famous, because not much of people aware about him, which make him invisible. That's why we have to make him visible, by making him FAMOUS.  (More info about  KONY in the video) 

So, Why not help them? We will change the course of human history. Together we will stop this most wanted Criminal. Together we will make a change. Together  we will help all those children for a brighter future, to bring back their hope.

Spare your time just 29.59 minutes, to make a change. 
THIS VIDEO WILL EXPIRE ON 31st December 2012
Watch the video, Join the community, and Make a Difference.


Jimmy Leo said...

nice posting, it can save so many lives some day i believe :)

Rico said...

Spread the news, make KONY famous then STOP KONY!!!
Nice blog anyway... :)